How to Start a Blog

I have been asked different times by friends and family about what exactly is involved with or required for an individual to start their own blog. I try to give them the best information I can, but I though composing an entire post regarding the subject may be beneficial for any other persons wondering as to how to go about beginning their own blog.

One thing to note immediately: beginning a blog is simple, but remaining committed to it can be challenging. The amount of postings to publish in your blog is entirely up to each individual, and some bloggers choose to write n a weekly, daily or monthly basis, but whatever you decide is what you need to remain dedicated to. It is far too simple to start out strong and begin to falter with passing time, so be sure that a blog is something you can commit yourself to. I post daily, however for many persons posting schedules adhere to an every-other-day basis, so choose whatever works for you and your own life.

As for the type of blog you choose to write, ensure that the topic matter you select is something you’re passionate about and is furthermore something that can be thoroughly discussed. Refrain from blogging about a topic or interest you’re unfamiliar with
(unless you’re willing to take the time to educate yourself) and try to stick with your own interests. My blog is called because I quite literally discuss anything and everything, therefore my subject matter remains broad.

There are many blogging websites available for persons looking to begin their own. I blog through and quite like it, however there are other sites such as Blogger, Wix and Weebly that are also easy to use and offer aesthetically pleasing templates and widgets. Experiment with some trial and error in order to designate which platform appeals to you most.

If you’re serious about beginning a blog, take initiative and do it! I am happy to answer any questions you may have, but if writing is something you’re passionate about, blogging is likely for you.


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