Have you seen ‘The Legend of Tarzan’?

When I took the time the other day to use my infrared sauna, I suddenly decided that instead of continuing to watch something I had previously started, I wanted to watch something entirely new.

I’m not a spontaneous person whatsoever, but every now and then, I surprise myself, regardless of how mild the spontaneity is.

I normally watch something on Netflix when I’m using my sauna because I’m in the thing for 20-40 minutes, so I figure I may as well do something entertaining to pass the time. I noticed The Legend of Tarzan was recently added and was trending in the top 10 spot, and because I had never even heard of this film, I decided to give it a try.

Released in 2016, The Legend of Tarzan stars Alexander Skasgârd as Tarzan, Margot Robbie as Jane, his wife, Samuel L. Jackson as George, and Christopher Waltz as Leon Rom. In essence, the plot consists of Tarzan and Jane leaving their take on living a normal life in Victorian England to return to Africa. Leon Rom is the villain, and his character is responsible for creating absolute injustices in The Congo to financially benefit King Leopold, whom he serves. Tarzan decides he must end the unrest caused by Rom and vows to do so by any means necessary.

I didn’t really know what to anticipate going into this film, but I really enjoyed it. I did a quick Google search about it and wasn’t entirely surprised to see it earned some pretty shitty reviews – it doesn’t have much dialogue and is a bit confusing to follow. I did like the acting and the performances from Skasgârd, Robbie, Jackson and Walsh, and seeing as they’re all fantastic actors, it isn’t terribly surprising that their dynamic is great, in my opinion.

A lot of folks didn’t like this movie, but I certainly did. Give it a shot and see for yourself.

Photo by Lina Loos on Unsplash

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